


(God’s correct name in English or any other language is YHVH meaning I AM THAT I AM. With vowels it is Yahveh. It is pronounced Yah-ha-veh. Jesus Christ’s name is Yahshua. Yah is Yahweh, and Shua is saviour. Thus we say Yahveh saviour. When you study Yahveh’s word The King James Bible you should keep this in mind. When you pray your should pray in their correct names or my Father Yahveh.)

The word communion taken back to the prime in the Greek dictionary is 2844 in Strong’s Concordance. It means to associate with, to be a companion of, and fellowship with, and to be a partaker of, and a partner of Yahshua our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Proverbs 9:5 we are told by Yahveh (God) to come, eat My bread and drink of the wine which I have mingled.

(The Passover today is Holy Communion.)

In Proverbs 9:5 we are invited to Yahveh’s (God’s) Table. His bread and wine is His word, word He prepared for you so you could be nourished and refreshed by it. Yahveh’s (God’s) word is meat and drink to people that are sincerely putting Yahveh/Yahshua first in their lives, or trying to. People that Yahveh (God) is giving eyes to see and ears to hear.

In Psalms 22:29 we are told that all they (Yahveh’s elect) that be fat upon the earth shall eat and worship, (In other words they will fellowship and worship Yahveh.) all they that go down to the dust (All people that die.) shall bow before Him. (They will bow before Yahveh.) And none shall keep alive his (or her) own soul.

(Nobody can keep alive their soul because Yahveh (God) owns all souls. Yahveh (God) is the only One that can keep you alive, and He is the only One that can give you eternal life.)

(When our Lord Jesus Christ (Yahshua) returns on the first day of the millennium all people (souls) will bow to Him.)

Isaiah 55:1-3 is Yahveh’s (God’s) invitation to you to have communion with Him and He says, ho, (look here) everyone that thirsteth, (Everyone who is thirsty for the word of Yahveh) come ye (you) to the waters, and ye (you) that have no money: come ye (you) buy wine and milk

(In other words come and buy Yahveh’s (God’s) word without money and without price.)

(You do not have to pay for the truth of Yahveh’s (God’s) word.) 

2.Wherefore do ye (Why do you) spend money for that which is not bread? (Bread meaning Yahveh’s (God’s) word.) And you labor for that which satisfieth not? (In other words you work to buy things but they never satisfy you.) Hearken diligently unto Me, (In other words listen intelligently and pay attention.) and eat that which is good, (Yahveh’s (God’s) word is good for your soul.) and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

 (Let your soul delight itself in Yahveh’s (God’s) word, this word, and in the depth of Yahveh’s (God’s) word.)

3.Incline your ear, (listen) and come onto Me: (Put Me first in your life.) hear, and your soul shall live: and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, (Everlasting meaning forever.) even the sure mercies (love) of David.

(If you put Jesus Christ (Yahshua) first in your life by being a doer of His word your soul will live forever, not your flesh. Your flesh will die, and you will go into in your spiritual body, and you will have eternal life.)

In 1 Corinthians 10:16 Paul tells us the cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion (partnership, fellowship) of the blood of Christ. The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?

(The bread we break is the communion of the body of Jesus Christ because it joins us all in one body.)

 In 1 Corinthians 11:23&24 Paul tells us that in the same night Jesus Christ was betrayed He took bread and after He had given thanks to Yahveh (God) He  brake it  and said, take, eat: this is My body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me.

In 1 Corinthians 11:25 Paul tells us that after the same manner also He (Jesus Christ) took the cup, when He had supped, (had dinner) saying, this cup is the New Testament (New Covenant) in My blood: This do ye, (you) as oft (often) as ye (you) drink it, in remembrance of Me.

(We as individuals do this in remembering the crucifixion. Why He was crucified, where He was crucified, who crucified Him and when He was crucified?)

In 1Corinthians 11:26-30 Paul tells us; For as often as ye (you) eat this bread, and drink this cup, (The cup of Christ’s (Yahshua’s) blood; certainly not as often as you have supper.) ye (you) do shew (proclaim) the Lord's death till He come. (When you take Holy Communion you are proclaiming the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. When you take Holy Communion don’t forget the four w’s thus putting it in a fixed time and date in prophecy, not something that happened by chance because it was Yahveh’s (God’s) plan to save His children. The four W, s are who, (By whom?) Jesus (Yahshua) was crucified by the Kenites, the offspring of Cain who are the offspring of satan and Eve’s affair in the Garden of Eden. (What for?) He was crucified to pay for the sins of the world, to defeat death. (When?) He was crucified the day before Passover; He became our Passover lamb. (Where?) He was crucified on Mt. Zion, in Jerusalem.)

(The crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price for you that upon repentance you are made perfect until you sin again because we are not perfect in these flesh bodies. Jesus Christ shed His blood for you, becoming the last blood sacrifice for sins for one and all times. That is why we take Communion.)

27 Wherefore whosoever (man, woman, or child) shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

(This is not saying whosoever eats this bread and drinks this cup is perfect. That is not what Paul is talking about. He is talking about making a meal out of communion, it is not supper time. Communion signifies and proclaims the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and if you partake of it like eating supper you are unworthy and secondly if you do not believe He was worthy and partake of it you are unworthy. Jesus Christ was worthy to pay the price for our sin. Do not be preparing it as a supper to satisfy flesh. IF you are doing so you are taking it unworthily because you fail to realize the value of it. The value of it is that the body of Jesus Christ took the stripes and our flesh bodies take the healing. The wine representing His blood takes away all of your sins upon repentance and makes you a new man or woman. Because of this to look at it just as supper is partaking of it unworthily and in ignorance. The subject here is not how good you have been because we all fall short of being perfect, but by taking communion you are proclaiming what Jesus Christ (Yahshua) did for you. You are proclaiming that He was worthy to die on the cross for your sins. Knowing why you are partaking of communion makes you worthy.)

 28 But let a man (or woman) examine himself, (or herself), and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

(Know why you are taking communion. Taking communion is a very personal thing. A church or Pastor or so called Reverend is not to examine you to see if you qualify.) 

(When you love our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing He was worthy, knowing He was perfect, and proclaim He died on the cross for you, and brought about communion so that you could have Jesus Christ (Yahshua) within yourself makes you worthy.)

(Do not take communion if you are unworthy.)

29 For he (or she) that eateth (eats) and drinketh (drinks it) unworthily, eateth (eats) and drinketh (drinks) damnation to himself, (or herself) not discerning the Lord's body.

(In other words people that fail to understand what communion is truly about, just as some of the Corinthians failed to understand when they were making a supper out of it are bringing condemnation and judgment upon themselves because they were participating in communion in ignorance.)

(They did not know what they were doing.)

30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

(Sleep meaning their flesh bodies died.)

(They are weak, sickly, and dead because they were participating in communion unworthily.)

(Yahveh (God) was not happy because they were making a mockery of Yahveh (God) having allowed His son to die on the cross for heathens. The heathen would mock, making light of the communion that Yahveh (God) brought into being that we can share with Jesus Christ.)

And now we will have our communion prayer then partake in communion.

                                                       COMMUNION PRAYER

We (I) give thanks to you Father Yahveh for dying on the cross for us, (me) for the shedding of Your blood, that therefore by believing in You and sincerely putting You first in our (my) lives (Life) we (I) can repent of our (my) sins and be forgiven, made perfect in Your eyes at that time. We (I) thank you for the stripes Your body took for us, (me) so that our (my) flesh body receives healing by believing in You and sincerely putting you first in our (my) lives. (Life) We (I) thank you Father and ask that You bless those that take communion with You today oh Yahveh, Lord of lords and King of kings; amen.

In St. Luke 22:19 Jesus Christ (Yahshua) tells His disciples This is My body which is given to you: (It was given to you on the cross.) this do in remembrance of Me. Now partake of the bread which signifies the body of Christ, remembering the crucifixion. Remembering who crucified Him, why He was crucified, where He was crucified, and when He was crucified.

In St. Matthew 26:27&28 Jesus Christ (Yahshua) gave the disciples the cup after giving thanks to Yahveh (God) saying drink ye (you) all of it: for this is My blood of the New Testament, (New Covenant) which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

(In remembrance of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) shedding His blood on the cross for our sins (It is His blood that washes away your sins when you repent), now partake of His blood by drinking from the cup.)

I thank you Father for shedding your blood on the cross for my sins.









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